Tempo Infographix: The Internet In Real Time

by Yara Nasif


Today, we have the world at our fingertips; the World Wide Web that is. Over 3 billion people are currently using the Internet. That’s nearly a third of the world’s population. Tempo wanted to see what happens on the Internet in just one minute. The answer was…A LOT!


What happens in the 60 seconds that you spend on your favorite social media platforms?


Facebook: 3408512 posts, 3236152 likes.

Twitter: 682 new accounts, 353400 tweets

YouTube: 143468 hours uploaded, 124 hours watched

Google+: 358784 posts


Heavy social media use is a given, but how about the traffic on blogging sites like WordPress and Yelp and online retailers such as Amazon?


WordPress: 1425 blog posts

Amazon: 3126 items purchased

Yelp: 31 Reviews


Are you team Apple or team Android? Surprisingly, app downloads are nearly double for Android than for Apple.


Apple: 39308 app downloads

Android: 76632 app downloads.


Source of data: http://pennystocks.la/internet-in-real-time


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