3 quick fixes for a struggling music artist

999! We have an emergency. I’ve received lots of feedback from frustrated local music artists. They say, “Abu Dhabi is not the place for a music artist like me.” “I’ll never make it in this city,” they exclaim. Well, I have something to tell them. It’s what my mom always said to me, “Your attitude determines your altitude.”
Most music artists are very proud. We think our music is the best. We think opportunity is deserved with no effort. We think that looks are all we need to succeed. Wrong! Good music lacking promotion will go unnoticed. Success doesn’t care about the colour of your eyes or the length of your hair. Talent alone does not equal success. A super-duper work ethic is the only way to reach success on fleek. If you are struggling to have your voice heard, you need to do exactly what my mom and mentor told me. Six words: Get out of your own way.
Below you will find a proven formula to keep you on track and to help you get noticed. Refer to it to stay inspired and improve your level of performance.

Step 1 – Start a morning routine.

You know what the most successful people do? They embrace a morning routine that does not include checking their email the moment they wake up.
Start a healthy morning routine. Here’s how:
  1. Recite a daily affirmation. They’re meant to encourage a life filled with gratitude and positivity.
  2. The moment you wake up, recite an affirmation 3 – 5 times. This will keep your brain empowered.
  3. Drink a glass of water. Avoid that sluggish morning feeling before your feet even touch the ground.
  4. Recite your affirmation again at lunch and before bedtime.


“If I believe it, I can achieve it.”
“Someone’s got to succeed. It might as well be me.”
Get your dose of  daily affirmations here:
Step 2 – Shamelessly promote yourself.
There are levels to self-promotion. Start using social media to your advantage today. You have to be consistent to make this step work. Here’s how:

Music Artist

  1. Create FREE Soundcloud and Youtube accounts.
  2. Post 1 song per month on both platforms.
  3. Create a FREE Instagram (IG) account.
  4. Post 3 to 5 times a day on IG. Create a clear theme for your IG page. Tag people and use appropriate hashtags.
Find out about how to grow your Instagram following here:

Music Artist

Find out more about Soundcloud here:

Step 3 – The Ultimate Triad:

– Become self-sufficient.
– Learn a new skill.
– Invest in yourself.
You have to take initiative. You CANNOT depend on others all the time. If you are serious, you will forgo unnecessary spending on clothes and restaurants. Save your Dirhams for what matters most: the equipment and tools to make your dreams a reality.

Music Artist

You need to learn a skill that you would have otherwise paid someone to do. Here’s how:
  1. Take a maximum of 120 days. Learn music software like Logic or Cubase.
  2. Produce your first song. Get it mixed and mastered at an affordable rate. Research areas like publicity, marketing, music business, and graphic design if you already self-produce.
  3. Upload your music to Soundcloud and Youtube with simple cover art.
Find out more about music production software here:

Learn more about graphic design here:

Find out more about publicity and marketing here:

Here’s a stie that tells you all that you need to know about the music biz:

Music Artist

Step 4 – Create a budget.

Separate your earned income from your fixed expenses for bills and fuel. The money your have left should be used to fund your dream. Forgo that beach party. Skip that buffet this month. Let nothing distract you from saving money. The key is to develop a habit of financial discipline. Avoid unnecessary spending. Here’s how:
  1. Determine your monthly income.
  2. Deduct fixed monthly expenses like rent, mobile, internet, and fuel costs.
  3. Deduct variable monthly expenses like groceries, salon visits, travel, and wardrobe costs.
  4. The remaining money you have should be split between savings, tools and equipment.
Find out more about budgeting here:

5 Finance Tips for Musicians: How to Make Money & Fund Your Projects

I’ll continue with Part 2 in next month’s column. Until then, raise your level of performance. You will inspire others! Work towards your dreams. People will start to notice! Don’t forget your daily affirmation tomorrow morning.
Here’s a daily affirmation you can recite right now.

“I can do anything I set my mind to. I am a powerful, courageous creator.”

Note: This article is a repost