Relax. Have Fun. Learn. Don’t let the Coronavirus isolation slow you down!


We all know introverts cherish their alone time, but many others of us feel a need to be around others, and this dependency can create personal stress and issues like low self-esteem and even loneliness. But doing your own thing, and enjoying it, is an art and skill that is well worth learning.  Everyone can take advantage of down time to do things you wanted to but never quite had the time. Here are some ideas to keep you happily engaged at home…

1. Get Cooking

This is the perfect time to do this. There are end numbers of resources online to learn to grill, roast, boil and bake so you have no excuse to back out as the inspiration is abundant. There might come a time when restaurants might shut down too. So you have no choice then but to become a MasterChef at home. Who knows you might even surprise yourself at your own skills. The below recipes are easy to make and yummy at the same time.

No Bake Cheeeesecake –

7 Easy Chicken Recipes –

One-Pot Vegetable Pasta –

Sensual Brownie –

2. Game Spirit

Strategy, puzzle, action and many more available online which suits anyone and everyone. Without a doubt, games can be creative, keep you mentally active, increase your problem-solving abilities and teach you teamwork. You can either play alone or with your family or roommates. Just make sure to not be an addict and postpone your daily chores!

3. Learning Power

This can also be a good time to invest in yourself as there are many online short courses that are also free. You get to choose any topic you want. You can even learn a new language by watching foreign films. We jotted down the below links to expand your mind.

4. Art Tours

Are you yearning for a visit to see live performances in art, music, and poetry? Or maybe wishing you could go to an art show or museum? Well, the good news is that there are also many virtual tours that you can take online. Check out the ones below.

5. Exercise your mind and body

Just because the gyms have closed temporarily doesn’t mean you have to stop, you can easily create some space at home and practice. And for those who don’t work out, it is about time you start doing it. It doesn’t have to be vigorous. It can also be in the form of yoga, ta chi or Zumba which are the perfect ways to concentrate the mind, channel energy and practice your thoughts. Check out the below link to get your blood moving.

6. DIY

Get on a trip to the artistic world from sketching to imaginative painting to DIY crafts. It can also be in the form of redecorating your house with DIY art. This is just to get all the corona stress out of your mind for a while. For those who love music, karaoke is a must to try with your roommates or family members.

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