Ready for 2015: What I Wish For

Fact: we are closer to 2020 than we are to 2005. I know!

So much has happened this year that I haven’t even noticed the passage of time. Joining the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, applying for universities, and writing for Tempo; it’s all so surreal. But all my experiences this year have taught me things that I will carry with me for a very long time.

Personally, entering a new year is always bittersweet. It is exciting and thrilling to think of all the possibilities and opportunities that I can take advantage of in the next 365 days. However, the unknown prospects frighten me at the same time.

I know that change is inevitable; but that does not necessarily mean that it will all be well received. My life has changed drastically over the course of the last two years, the biggest change being my transition from an American high school system to the International Baccalaureate. Although challenging, the programme will hopefully help me improve my research, presentation, and study skills, and also shape me into a hard-working, well-rounded student.

I want to also better myself as a student and as a human being.

Despite the extreme changes of the last few years, 2015 will be the year that my entire world takes a 180 turn. If all goes well, I’ll be in a different hemisphere, surrounded by lots of strangers and new opportunities. Because of all the upcoming changes, I realize that adapting is the only option. Whether good or bad, I consider everything to be opportunities that should be seized or conquered.

Another valuable lesson I learned, especially this close to university application deadlines, is to break through the layers of insecurities and embrace myself wholly. Confidence is key. In order for universities to see your worth as a contributor to their community and, later on to the world, you must first be convinced of that yourself. Making your confidence and intellectual capability shine through is a challenge; you have to make a good first impression!

My New Year’s resolution is to challenge myself by coming out of my comfort zone and welcoming the changes that I know are going to occur. I want to also better myself as a student and as a human being.

By Nisma Hamid