“How do I do that?” you ask. Well, it’s actually pretty simple. You just need some self-confidence and inner strength. This is where inspirations come in. Inspirations can be anything. In fact, inspirations are pretty much everything. Let’s take Steve Jobs as an example. Steve inspired thousands, maybe millions of people around the world with his amazing ideas and his ever-growing confidence in himself and his country. And even though he isn’t here with us today (God Bless his Soul), he is still a bright bulb and a burning star for believers from all nationalities. He was an inspiration.
But for many others, Steve is what we call an idol. Now, here is where the confusion starts. I’m not trying to offend, criticize or insult anyone. There is nothing really wrong with having an idol. I’m just trying to say that idolism is only helpful up to a point.
Inspirations are different to idols because if you idolize someone to an inappropriate level, it means you’re not being original anymore. You’re not following what your heart tells you; instead, you follow what others do or say and try to imitate them in any way you can.
Summing it all up, I just wanted to clarify the difference between an inspiration and an idol. They are both the same type of thing, but idolism is when you take inspiration a little too far. As I mentioned previously, there is nothing wrong with having an idol, just as long as you keep your imitations under control.
So here’s the lesson for everyone: don’t stop believing! Work toward your goals and don’t stop until you get there. Use your inspirations to keep your ideas alive, but don’t take it too far. Like the old saying my mom kept telling me: “If they jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?!?”