What Was

So there was the Games12 convention in Dubai not long back – did you go? What was your favourite game experience?

There were tons of cool stuff including Resident Evil 6, multiplayer demos of Halo 4, Gears of War Judgment and Black Ops 2 as well as a competing dance games for the PS3 and Xbox, among other things.

I played Gears Judgment and got owned by a bunch of three year olds (they looked like they could be three) – it was cool, but honestly nothing too new. By far Black Ops 2 was the most popular game, the line was endless. But it seemed like a successful event with the next installment of Assassin’s Creed featuring highly as well.

No doubt the annual Games expo is set to get bigger, better and become a place where game developers may start to debut games on a larger scale.

The Dead Continue to Walk
Episode 4 in the 5-part season (they’re calling it a ‘season’ now – but it’s more on that) is pretty intense, and is set to be an emotional and harrowing climax. The fact is Telltale Games has succeeded in creating the first TV series you can play. And the fact they are now calling it a season is a very strong suggestion that we’ll be getting regular 5-part installments of interrelated stories every year. It’s unlikely to take the form of the series that features an ensemble cast with Rick and his family as the constant, but I reckon they have an overall plan to unite a collection of stories and even connect the game directly to the television series and the comic. Remember you heard it here first. And oh, the game is now available on iOS – so no excuses!

By Blakniss- The original game head from Atari to Xbox