Age: 21
Profession: Student
Nationality: Palestinian
Motto: Live everyday as if it were your last
Your most valued possession: My High School Yearbook
One thing you cannot live without: Music
The person who inspires you the most: My beautiful mother
What car would like to own? A black Range Rover
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Running my own family business and having my family and the people I love around me at the end of the day
What item do you keep buying even though you have plenty? PERFUME!
Who in your life deserves a big old thank you? My wonderful parents for supporting me and what I love for all these years and Ellen DeGeneres for bringing laughter into my life and teaching us all to be kind to one another
Have you found your purpose yet? I feel that I am on the right path, but it might take a while before it is fully defined.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Flying Fox in Phuket, Thailand. Basically a tree top adventure on a flying fox across the jungle while dangling from a wire up to 50 meters high from the jungle floor. An EPIC experience!
What is your earliest memory? Dancing on tables, dance floors and stages at every birthday party or wedding or gathering when I was 3 years old.
If your life was a book, what would it be called? Ups and Downs, Smiles and Frowns
If you wanted to look absolutely great, how would you dress? Black cocktail dress, gold accessories and red heels
What’s your current Last Song Syndrome? BLACKENED – Metallica
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose? Friends
What was the most recent movie that made you cry? The Vow
If today is the last day, where would you rush to? Las Vegas
What is your idea of a perfect weekend? Bonfire on the beach, good music, good company, good atmosphere
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? My home, Palestine
If you could have witnessed one event in history, what would it be? Led Zeppelin performing live at Royal Albert Hall in 1970
If you could select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a truthful reply, whom would you select and what question would you ask?
Dr. Martin Luther King and ask him “Why weren’t you wearing a bullet proof vest?”
What was the best thing before sliced bread? Mama’s Fatteh & Molokhia
What is your favourite dessert? Raspberry Cheesecake