Rebel with a cause

Weekend freelancer and a creative executive during the week, Ellaine not only puts ideas together, she tops it off with a bit of fun and crazy. Organizing chaotic public events that have a purpose became her calling after raising awareness for two campaigns in the Philippines and achieving great output for them. Ellaine is now testing the waters in Abu Dhabi, keeping in mind the cultural difference of course.

Ellaine recalls one amazing event in the Philippines. “I did a charity event that involved a lot of arts and mixed media. For example, we’d have people dress down, especially the boys in boxer shorts and then get  them to hold up signs saying ‘Feed the starving artist’ and pose at signals by the pedestrian crossings, with all those signs pointing to a mall where they hosted an art and fashion show raising funds for a charity feeding program.” What a way to get people to notice an event, huh?

When asked what motivates her to join such brave projects and work with a creative group, Ellaine makes a good point about how people love a spectacle; anything that is a feast for their eyes will get them intrigued. From loud yellow blurry sirens zooming by to kids and adults swooshing past on skates, Ellaine just loves how a community of different backgrounds gets together for one purpose in order to make an event a success.

Ellaine’s most recent campaign was for World Intellectual Property Day in April at the Abu Dhabi Mall. “The Ministry of Economy hosted this event and called upon Mindmill and myself to organize it. The aim was to celebrate creations of the mind. The MOE’s role was to educate and inform people that the MOE is the place to go if they have a creation, work or right that needs to be protected (copyrighted, patented and so on). What I loved about it was how we street-marketed the event.”

Currently Ellaine is working on an idea which photo enthusiasts and photographers will definitely enjoy – a 5-brief and shoot project for which a client or sponsor is needed. Should anyone like to get involved or host this project, Ellaine’s page is the place to stir this up.

“Don’t be afraid to do something crazy, that people will remember you by.” Brave words from a smart woman we should look to for inspiration because sometimes all you need is a little push to be strong enough to make the first move.

Ellaines page:

See a sneak preview of the video and more of Ellaine’s work at

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