by Vanessa Middleton The UAE has designated 2015 as the Year of Innovation. Since libraries play a critical role in the development of knowledge innovation, more and more of these
by Vanessa Middleton The UAE has designated 2015 as the Year of Innovation. Since libraries play a critical role in the development of knowledge innovation, more and more of these
By Dean Hoke How valuable is your education? How valuable is education to the UAE? The answer to both? Priceless. In 2010, UAE Vision 2021 was launched
Tamakkan hosts AmCham’s Women Achieve Anniversary (From L-R) Gillian Arnott, Business Development Manager, Northrop Grumman, Theresa F. Weber, Executive Director, AmCham Abu Dhabi and Sana Bagersh, Chair, AmCham Abu Dhabi
What exciting times we live in – culturally and creatively! In this issue of Tempo you’ll learn about a few initiatives that are close to my heart – one is
Name: Mohammad Tamimi Age: 26 Profession: Interior Designer/ Illustrator. Nationality: Jordanian Motto: “To Thine Own Self Be True” Your most valued possession My computer: I’ve named her Velvetine. Where we
Dubai, UAE – March 22nd 2015 – Following last year’s win of GCC’s highest voted community based idea of surplus food distribution by Denisa Fainis, Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Since the UAE has declared 2015 to be ‘the year of innovation” we decided to delve into the root of the word and seek a definition… The term innovation has
By Nisma Hamid Instagram: nismahamid Making acquaintances is easy, but making real friends is quite a bit harder. Especially for young people. So for all my fellow adolescents out
Home for Jeremy is beautiful Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, a great little city that is a quintessential American town on the shores of Lake Winnebago. I sat down for