Category: Good Vibes

Total 239 Posts

A City in Transition


By Ian Mason

Change is swirling around Abu Dhabi, as thick in the air as sand from a shamal. The skyline is changing, culture is changing and even the weather patterns are changing.

Change is happening in our business world too; some of it good, some not so good. Reorganisation at government and corporate entities means that things don’t stay the same for long, and it is inevitable that you will be affected by change, either personally or through your family and friends.

Conservation: Everyone should Do It!


When I lived in Seattle for many years the concepts of recycling and conservation were ingrained in our daily lives. We had coloured sorting bins under the kitchen sink and I remember even my youngest then (Karam) tottering around in diapers and placing empty containers in the correct bins. Returning to the UAE was a culture shock as everything went into right into the garbage. But things are starting to change in the UAE. Thankfully.





Maybe it was the festive cheer, the silly season or even the thrill of a new year, but I have recently experienced a rush of great customer service in Abu Dhabi, some from unexpected sources. By great customer service I don’t mean an attendant who smiles like a robot…



By Ian Mason

I vividly remember my first trip to Hong Kong more than 25 years ago.

My wife and I had decided to use the Metro to get around. On our first day, we found the Metro station (easy), bought a ticket (no problems) and stood on the platform, expectantly waiting for the next train. 



Strewth! If you were a visitor to Australia, you’d be dining with a dingo, cooking with a kangaroo and waltzing with a wombat. But in Abu Dhabi, Emirati cultural experiences don’t seem to extend much further than the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.




By Sarah Widdup- An Abu Dhabi based mother shares her wisdom about homeschooling

I homeschool my daughter.  No really, I do.  Now I bet you’re either thinking ‘she’s mad!’ or ‘what a hippy!’, but forget that for a moment while I take a break from hugging trees and constructing conspiracy theories to tell you all about it. I’m joking about the conspiracy theories, but I do like trees, hehehe.





A video competition has been launched to enable members of the community to express their love and appreciation of the UAE by sending video entries that celebrate the spirit and character of the UAE in time for its historic 40 year national day anniversary this year.