January 2011


In this issue we’re running a social experiment (see pages 12 and 13). We’ve asked a number of you about your resolutions for next year, with the idea that we’ll try to catch up with each person to see if you’ve kept your promises.  If you want to be part of this experiment which we call “Resolution Keeper 2012′ then send your pledges to us and we’ll contact you at the end of next year (assuming you have the same contact details) to see if you’ve kept your promises to yourself. We suspect that just the pressure of follow up will make you all strive to keep your word. We’ll see what happens….


Tempo looks forward to making its own resolutions as well. We ‘ve tweaked our design and layout for 2012 and strive to keep improving and evolving.  We love getting your feedback…tell us what you like, what you don’t, and what you’d like to see more of in 2012.   We look forward to incredible year of more community engagement and greater representation of the mosaic of communities we have in the UAE. And I take this opportunity to thank our writers, columnists and contributors for their dedication and for making Tempo the grass roots, community focused publication that it is.


Happy New Year Everyone!


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