Pop Culture at 22 with Emily Wang


To most people, this might just be another number – it might be a date in the calendar, the primetime slot for your favorite show, someone’s favorite number and more. To Ms. Emily Wang however, this is a representation of pop culture and the present generation of youth. Hence the title of the art exhibition: “I’m Feeling 22.”

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Comfy from 4s series by Agustina Zegers 

Our very own, Neil Bie interviews Ms. Emily Wang, curator of the exhibition, to learn more about this upcoming art exhibition to be held November 13-27.

Neil: Who is Emily Wang?

Emily: I’m an artist, currently in my second year of studying in NYU Abu Dhabi. I’m Chinese-American, from Atlanta, Georgia.


Student. Artist. Curator. Just some of the many sides of Emily Wang.

Neil: Why study art in Abu Dhabi and not in New York?

Emily: There’s more potential here in Abu Dhabi for artists like me unlike in New York where there’s so much competition and an oversaturation of art.

Neil: How did you come up with the title “I’m Feeling 22”?

Emily: “I’m Feeling 22” is taken from Taylor Swift’s song called “22”. The exhibition is a way of addressing how pop culture is part of the Gulf and at the same time trying to not to make the show more serious than it needs to be. A lot of (art) shows talk about philosophical concepts and have very ‘deep’ single-word names, but I wanted to avoid that.

On the other side of the fence, there is this general phenomenon right now in the idea of the global youth and also the eternal youth. The most obvious example is the term “YOLO” (You Only Live Once). In all these songs and television shows, youth is characterized as doing impulsive things and exploring. Thus, it becomes this broad concept that anyone can engage with. I believe the title “I’m Feeling 22” covers all of that as it links the show with a broader global youth conversation. .

Neil: That’s a nice title. Would this be your first time to hold such an exhibition?

Emily: Yeah so this is my first time curating a show. I’ve participated in 2 or 3 exhibitions before in Dubai and in New York City but this is my first time curating.

Neil: During your participation, how did you feel back then?

Emily: While I was participating in these shows it was always really exciting to show people my work and also to be part of a conversation with other artists. I’m glad now that I’m able to create an opportunity for other artists as well.

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Desert Aesthetics by Reese Riley

Neil: How does it feel now as an organizer and a curator?

Emily: In my experience now, organizing a whole show makes you see how difficult it actually is to curate a show and bring it into reality.

Neil: What should people expect from this art exhibition?

Emily: In general, people should expect to see things that generally address the youth experience in the Gulf. So there’s a lot of video work. There are works that talk about the rise of technology and pop culture and a lot of our daily experiences. There’s a lot of work that ties in heritage with modern Gulf aesthetics.


Neil: That’s quite a feat; I’d like to see it – heritage to the modern days.

Emily: I mean there’s definitely a mix. There’s heritage like what the UAE looked like in the 1980s. But then how the UAE looked 30 years ago is no longer how it is today. It’s just a way of mixing those two because a lot of works only address the past and don’t really take a look at the Gulf today.

Neil: Even I was quite curious on how that would look like at the actual exhibition. So what’s your message to the people who might be interested to go to this exhibition?

Emily: I’m really interested in having a lot of young people go especially people who may be artists but don’t feel like there’s a community or an audience yet. I want this show to be open to everybody but my main message is for other people who want to make art to see the show and be encouraged to do more work.

Viewing the Gulf in the eyes of this generation would be a surreal experience you wouldn’t want to miss. If you wish to view the works of these artists, they will be holding the “I’m Feeling 22” art exhibition at twofour 54 Abu Dhabi, Park Rotana Complex, The Space (located at the ground floor) from November 13 to November 27.

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