My name is Khaled Saeed Abdeen.  I’m 43 years old and from Egypt. I am an Ophthalmology Surgeon by profession.  I have lived and work in Abu Dhabi for the past nine years.

I spend my spare time walking, jogging, cycling, playing tennis and following National Geographic documentaries and travel channels. I started photography three years ago when I started attending Mubadala World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi. It was then that I decided to buy my first DSLR Nikon – an entry-level crop sensor camera with couple of zoom lenses to shoot the tennis stars and tennis action.

My photography knowledge comes from reading books watching multimedia materials and experimenting. I carry my camera everywhere. I like landscape, cityscape, street and some macro photography, and lately have got into black and white photography as well. I am inspired by the international famous photographers, Tom Ang and the famous Steve Macurry.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t over indulge in expensive tools. You can learn even on a mobile phone camera, and then upgrade slowly. Read. Join a photography community. There is no right or wrong, and though there are rules, some of them can be broken in the name of art. 

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