Tempo Life Hack: Take a Step Towards Change!

Small Steps Big Changes card with colorful background


It is important to do new things in one’s life; not just for the purpose of striving to better one’s self but to also step out of one’s comfort zone. Is such a thing possible? And how do you actually start on this path of self-discovery?


Make One Small Change Every Day

Start with making small changes. If you are a creature of habit, start by making one small change every day. If you go for a walk every day, take a different route on some days. Or walk faster or slower than you would normally walk. Just by making one small change every day you could be making 30 changes in a month, and 360 in a year. Change is addictive, and it is cumulative as well.


Challenge Your Morning Routine

What if you could wake up every morning with an invitation to ask yourself: ‘Who am I today?’ ‘What can I be today?’ ‘What grand and glorious adventure can I embark on?’


Think of ‘Who am I today?’ What indeed if you could become a new person every single day? What if you could choose who and what you wanted to be? What would you choose? Tragically, we all get so caught up in the humdrum of our lives; we accept the old, and the predictable. ‘Who am I today’ is an enquiry to one’s self to let go…


Who would you like to be that you haven’t considered? What grand and glorious adventure will I allow myself to experience? This is an acknowledgement that life is a mystery; an unfolding of infinite possibilities. When you ask this question, you are asking for all these possibilities to show up in your life.


Start by Making a List

List down all the things that excite you. You can use newspapers, magazines, TV, Facebook, anything you like… as your inspiratio. We often see, hear or come in contact with people who are doing amazing things. Maybe some trips that people have made, or some project that they have been a part of or something they have created. Start listing down everything that inspires you, add pictures and make it colourful.


Look at those things and say ‘I’ll have that please! Or ‘What would it take for me to have that? Look at that list frequently, update it regularly. Very soon you will start to notice that some of things that you had written down start to show up in your life – and that’s because you have attracted them to you, and that you have made yourself open to them.


Dreaming Your Life

Do you remember a time when you were small, and you dreamed big; a time when you thought everything was possible? Whatever happened to those dreams? Is now the time to live them? One insightful definition of poverty is: the absence of possibilities. What is the difference between a gas vendor who goes on to become one of the richest men in India, a Dhirubhai Ambani, and a gas vendor who remains a gas vendor? Some may say its fate. But what if it was just ‘an absence of possibilities?’ What if it was an absence of conviction; of deciding, and willing yourself, to do more?


What Else is Possible? We have been brought up on a diet of what is impossible rather than what IS possible. Whenever you are faced with an ‘unchanging situation’ ask yourself ‘What else is possible?’ When you start asking this question, you will start to see a world of possibilities. You will shift from a ‘Lose/Win’ to a ‘Win/Win’ mindset.


Remember, changing your life begins with you. Today.

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