Age: 21

Nationality: Indian

tempo spread nov 15-30-page-009


Most valued possession are my books

Hangout?? The mall or at a café with friends

My cellphone  is the one thing I cannot live without….

Five things for survival : money, clothes, shoes, a cellphone, accessories to go with!!

Mini cooper.. my dream car!

My typical day: Listening to the radio, scanning the paper for the latest, facebooking….

My goal in life?  Successful and rich.




3 things that today has taught me that I can improve on tomorrow:

·         Never trust anyone too much.

·         Always do what you want to, and not what others think you should.

·         Love the people that love you completely because it will be them who will stick by you till the end.


I’ve always love the name Audrey….after Hepburn.


Book of my Life: Regrettably confused


Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with? Least like? Most like Robert Pattinson…..least like Justin Bieber.


One day I’d like to wake up as Michelle Obama….I’d want to know what it’s like being married to the most powerful man on earth.


Just the way you are – Bruno Mars

If I were to be trapped in a TV show for a month, it would be The Big Bang Theory…..I absolutely adore Sheldon!!

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