I spent 312Dhs on glue last month. Wallpapering, you ask? A little DIY? Crafting? None of the above. Let me give you the rest of the shopping list to see
I spent 312Dhs on glue last month. Wallpapering, you ask? A little DIY? Crafting? None of the above. Let me give you the rest of the shopping list to see
My head itches just thinking about it. My girlfriend just called to cancel coffee. Her little one was sent home from school with lice. It is the one thing that
I am in awe of multi-child, multi-activity, multi-age parents. Whenever I see a mom pushing a stroller at her middle schooler’s parent-teacher conference, I always breathe a sigh of relief
March 2015 ON ROOTS AND SHOOTS: THE JANE GOODALL VISIT As an activist, it would be a goal of mine to create a safe environment for those around me;
Heather’s daughters: Lolita and Jania. Photography by Gilles Vandevoorde My two daughters went on their first overnight school trip in October. They were excited about the adventure awaiting them during
By Heather Long Vandevoorde, Ph.D./ @hvdvoorde The question, “so, where are you from?” is my kids’ least favourite. It is a harmless, and normal sounding question, yet one that