Category: Innovators

Total 36 Posts


By Ian Mason

I vividly remember my first trip to Hong Kong more than 25 years ago.

My wife and I had decided to use the Metro to get around. On our first day, we found the Metro station (easy), bought a ticket (no problems) and stood on the platform, expectantly waiting for the next train. 



Strewth! If you were a visitor to Australia, you’d be dining with a dingo, cooking with a kangaroo and waltzing with a wombat. But in Abu Dhabi, Emirati cultural experiences don’t seem to extend much further than the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.



-by Alma Kadragic
Photos from

Local Website Brings Deals Home to You

Over the past few years, websites that offer services for a low price have become popular. The price depends on the website collecting a certain number of buyers.


– by Alma Kadragic

Sim Whately and JC Butler came to Dubai in the summer of 2005 looking for jobs. They had met in Belgium earlier and became friends while doing sales training and selling media. Both 24-year old Americans had worked in Kuwait and Whately also in Jordan and had heard what people used to hear about Dubai, that the streets – if not paved with gold – were filled with opportunity.


-by Alma Kadragic

Last year none of us could have known about a company called Lucky Nooni because it didn’t exist. Lucky Nooni is about fashion and has come up with a style that wasn’t available before.Sheikha Manar Mohammed Talib Al Hinai saw something missing in the market that she could provide.


Tempo: Why did you decide to start MyLife Men’s Spa?
I have a business background and have been looking to do something innovative. My previous job was stressful, and I used to go with my cousin every week to Dubai for a massage.