Moving from Company to Freelance Culture

Tips on Moving from Company to Freelance Culture

By: Iman Chatila

You go to the office every day at 8 AM. You sit at a desk and stare at a computer for several hours each day. But it’s worth it, right? The pay may be good enough for you to stay, but if you are looking to have more flexibility and spontaneity, maybe freelancing is for you! But first, there are some things you need to do.

1. Test it out first.

Take on some side-projects to become more familiar with the nature of freelance work. Get to know if you like it enough to make it your career.

2. Consider the work day.

Are you comfortable with the amount of flexibility, self-motivation, and networking required? How many hours should you work to make enough money? These are all important questions you need to ask yourself.

3. Know your skill set.

What are your strengths? Be confident in them, find work that suits you, and present yourself competently to potential clients! Also, look at where you are lacking and try to improve yourself.

4. Establish yourself.

Before you quit a stable job, lay down the foundations of your new work. Set up a website to showcase your previous projects. Make yourself appealing.

5. Set yourself up for success.

Be ready to take on the challenge and opportunity of freelancing! It may seem like a struggle at first, but if you make the decision to do it, you need to set your mind to becoming an accomplished freelance worker.

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