On Writing

“On Writing” by Stephen King

Stephen King in widely known for his immense contribution to American literature of books that range from contemporary horror to science fiction like Carrie, and The Dark Tower.  But have any of you heard of Stephen King publishing a memoir about writing? Well, now you have.

If you’re an aspiring writer or if you are already practicing the craft, then On Writing will be a valuable guide. Even if you’re certain that your writing is ‘perfect’, you can always improve! And who to turn to for that than the giant of contemporary American literature, Stephen King?

King constructs this “memoir on the craft” in two different parts: the first is an autobiographical recount of his literary career leading up to the publication of On Writing (and this contains lots of tips you’ll need to help you improve your writing), while the second is a look into his editing process.

On Writing is both witty and humorous and resonates with Stephen King’s own voice. The very aspect that makes this book different from others dealing with writing as a ‘craft’ is the first-hand account style which King incorporates into the volume. Consequently, the reader will find it easy to keep up; viewing it less as a book on methodology and more as Stephen King really just talking to you – in the form of a simple conversation between two old friends catching up over a cup of coffee.

On Writing is a reflection of the very soul and character of Stephen King, and with it comes something that the master writer is offering you: his literary wisdom. So don’t turn your back.

By Azza El Masri

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