April’s Cool

So April is cool for two reasons: 

1. Not many new releases this month – so not a hot month for games and

2. One new release that should be very cool indeed!

But first, a post mortem for March:

Tomb Raider touched shelves to mixed reviews. While many enjoyed the open world feel, adventure/survival slant to this prequel, some thought it became a pure shooter and strayed away from its adventure/puzzler roots. What with the popularity of shooters like Modern Warfare and Battlefield gaining loyal multi-player fans, I think the developers were hoping many would flock to the TR multiplayer. Are you interested?

Dead Space 3 also received mixed reviews, but maybe the DLC Awakened (which should have been released in the second half of March) will make up for any shortcomings? I enjoyed the full game and am now playing through as Carver. My advice: watch the credits all the way to the end and play with a fairly dark setting. It’ll make all the difference. As for the Awakened DLC, if it’s as good as Severed (DS2 DLC) then huzzah! Look out for a review next month.

Now that cool game I mentioned? If you’re a fan of the DC comicverse then your dreams are coming true! Injustice: Gods Among Us is a cross platform game featuring villains from The Joker and Harley Quinn to Solomon Gundy, and heroes including Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman and more. It’s a fighting game, but comes with a built in story to complement the relentless whooping you will be handing out.

It’s hotly anticipated by fans of the fighting genre so pick one up when it comes out April 16.

Till next time – game on!


By Blakniss