Age: 17

Profession: Student

Nationality: Lebanese



Motto: “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.  That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”  —Ernest Hemingway

Your most valued possession: My closet full of books

One thing you cannot live without: Chocolate! They tell you that all you need is love, but all you need is chocolate!!!

Your goal in life? My goal in life is to see my name on the International Bestselling Authors list on the New York Times.

What item do you keep buying even though you have plenty? Books. So many books. (and sunglasses too)

Who in your life deserves a big old thank you? My parents, without a doubt. They’re the ones that cheered me on when I discovered my love for writing and reading. They gave me honest advice, initiated me to writing competitions, and introduced me to people who know about these kinds of things.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I once snuck out of school Mission Impossible-style by climbing the fence and running for my life to get food at the McDonald’s next door. What I’d do for food…

What is your earliest memory? How old were you? I was about 4 years old, we were vacationing in Greece, in the island of Mikonos. My parents wanted to go clubbing, so they took me with them. I made friends with the bouncer who gave me a cookie (yay!), and I took control of the dance floor (still young, and can bust a move) while my parents stood around me, mortified. It was very fun.

If your life was a book, what would it be called? An Unfinished Manuscript: Diaries of a Bookworm.

Would you change your name? Nah, I’m content with my name. It’s unique in a way that people can’t mistake me for someone else.

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with? I would totally love to be stuck in an elevator with Taylor Lautner. Who wouldn’t? (Don’t answer that)


List the albums/ songs that you would want to play on your funeral.

Beautiful Day by U2

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

How I Met Your Mother! Or The Big Bang Theory! Either would be totally wicked.

What recent movie made you cry?

The Hunger Games. I’m a huge fan of the books (read them on their release 2 years ago), so 10 minutes into the movie, I was already crying my eyes out.


If today was your last day, where would you go?

I’d probably go do something insane like skydiving or something I would have never done on a normal day.

What is your idea of a perfect weekend?

My idea of a perfect weekend is to be on a reclusive beach, the sea clear blue, and the soothing sound of crashing of waves while I lounge on the sand enjoying a book.

In which city would you rather be now?

I think I’d be in New York City.

Which historical event would you have wanted to witness?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s incredible “I have a dream” speech. Every time I listen to it, I’m moved to tears. Imagine if I had heard it live!


What was the best thing before sliced bread?

I don’t discriminate when it comes to food: Food is THE best there is.

If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?

I’d request a buffet (with a chocolate fountain, of course). If they say no, I’ll break out.

If you could associate yourself with a drink/ snack/ fruit / vegetable- what would it be?

I’d associate myself with a steak, a good juicy one. With extra BBQ sauce.

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