We’ve all of course heard about massage and gymnastics…but for babies?  Tempo heard about locally based “baby whisperer” Kate Grasell and was intrigued. Kate has just launched an Infant Massage Course in Abu Dhabi to keep your bundle of joy strong and thriving…



“I have been living in Abu Dhabi for more than four years now and it took some time for me to get used to the life style here as it is quite different from my homeland – Moscow, Russia.  I am a certified massage therapist and recently I obtained certification in Pediatric Medical Massage and Infant swimming and started to work with Emirati families privately. And yes I love kids.

“My infant massage course is private. My work assumes confidentiality and discipline. It means for a short period I become a family member, a close friend and an ally. I teach parents and help them to bond with their baby. The massage helps to enhance all body function and the immunity system. The changes in the baby’s system from birth to three years of age happen tremendously fast. Almost all the time babies feel anxiousness and discomfort and many suffer from colic and digestive pains and we all know that their crying can and irritate their parents.

“Massage is very important for babies since it helps to calm them, improve and strengthen their bodily functions, as well as reduce discomfort and contribute to their psychological development.  From birth to three years of age kids learn so many important movements and actions, which affect their life in the future. This is why it is very important to help your baby to learn the correct way to crawl, sit up and sit down, stand up and walk. Massage and gymnastics help to improve posture and motor skills, speech function and mental development.

“The great global problem is our sedentary life style. At an early age we (I mean parents) can do a lot to prevent kids from developing back problems, weak belly muscles, flatfeet and joint diseases. My course includes swimming which makes babies feel more comfortable in the water and gives them a great workout.

“Infant massage and swimming are very popular in Russia as they are the first medical therapy and first physical activity in which the kids interact with the parents. Moms everywhere can do with a professional advice giver and skillful coaching to manage their kids to grow healthy and strong in this environment. All this thinking urged me to start this service here in the UAE.

“I have conducted business research and unfortunately noticed that infant massage is not known nor practiced here as widely as in my country. The medical benefits of infant massage are underestimated too.  I hope to promote it to families and to work with nurseries and pediatrics departments to spread its benefits.”

Kate Grasell can be reached 

By Ajir Shujahi

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