How I See Change

The change of one’s self or image, not just with people, but also with my surroundings, has always intrigued me. It’s rather odd in a way, and I find it oddly entertaining. Change and transformation sparks my mind. I want to try to capture it; whether to have it engrained in my memory to be later sketched, or written on a paper or photograph (stored with last Christmas’s gift). 

Many times people try to make it a point to show change has no relevance, but to me it offers hope. It’s hope that no matter how miniscule, or immense, change delivers! For instance a bad day can change into a good one. The night’s black shade withers away with the gush of yellow sunlight. Even a fault toward a friend, can be undone, and forgiven. 

Reading this people would probably think I’m some optimist but I’m not. I’d say I’m more a realist. I always realize the depth and magnitude of a bad situation, and it does affect me at times. I personally experienced this in my family: cancer with two of my grandparent and aunt, early deaths by accidents, and more. I have also lost some friends. During my studies, I was unable to get along with the others, as they refused to accept that I had different beliefs. 

All this turned around. 

My grandfather survived cancer. Twice. So did my other grandfather. My aunt is alive and well. I found friends that are like family to me, and I’m brought to tears when I remember all the amazingly extraordinary things they’ve done for me. And soon, I’m transferring to my dream university. 

The way I see it you can’t really enjoy the good in life, without experiencing the bad.

By Saif Nasir


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