Bursts of Creativity

November is probably the busiest month in the whole year!  So much so that we were totally conflicted whilst putting this issue together – on what to keep, and what to trim out.

Close on the heels of the pure cinematic indulgence of the Abu Dhabi Film festival is the art and music smorgasbord that is​ ​Abu Dhabi​ Art​, the Yasalam music scene and the world-class musicals. Then there are all the delightful bursts of creativity around the country’s museums and educational institutions. Within our pages you’ll find cool stories on everything from music to photography; design to film production; all the way to social causes and lifestyle must dos.

As this goes to press, the Tempo team prepares to help host a November 6 social mixer for international and locally based designers. The event, which will be at MoxieZone in twofour54 Rotana Complex, is part​ of​ the exciting 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art brought to the UAE by Zayed University.  We’re hoping it will be an evening where artists share their passion for design and revel in the magic of art and creativity.  If you are a digital artist and want to attend, connect with our Facebook group Tempo Beat, to know more.

Feed the soul. Peace.

Sana Bagersh, November 2014


Twitter: @bagersh

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