Epiphanies of the College Season

Epiphanies of the College Season

By Danielle Harris


                With the majority of the students here being expats, the college season is one of both excitement and sad goodbyes. In my graduating class alone only a handful of us will be going to a collage with other alumni. Most of us will be scattered across countries, provinces, and states cementing the harsh reality that as of now, we are no longer a unified class. It’s strange to think that I will no longer be attending the same school with the same people that I have been. Even now I am not sure the full gravity of the situation has hit yet. When I went to the ceremony last June, many of the parents asked me how I felt about the whole event. Right then, I had no idea. I understood things would change, but up until now I hadn’t realised how much. After spending the last week with college on my mind I’ve had a few epiphanies that have changed the way I felt about the college move.

                The largest challenge, I realised, will be first month of college. It is that time span that can either make or break your collage experience. I’ve heard time and time again from alumni and parents that the friends they made in the first weeks, were some of their most important. Friends can always be made later, but its best to seize every opportunity handed to you. In addition the first month is a time to re-adjust to my home country. As of now I have lived in the UAE for seven years and Jordan for two. Even though I’ve spent my childhood in the US, a lot of my views and ideals now clash with my long term friends. I have to remember how things work and adjust with that in mind. Furthermore, the first month is a time of independence, which is both exciting and a challenge. Cleaning, shopping, and budgeting are now full time responsibilities. To someone who has had little responsibilities other than school, these new factors cause much anxiety.

                Although the beginning of the college year seems really challenging, there are many things I am excited for. In fact, the challenges themselves are what I find most exciting. After living a life of high mobility, there is something incredible about starting all over again. The freedom to be and do what you want with no presumptions, is worth the anxiety of the move. I’m excited to make mistakes, learn about my major, and learn how to better adapt to the future. College is a great learning experience. It may seem irrelevant to many of those who are not attending, but somehow I know that the lessons learned in College help for the rest of your life, keeping college relevant no matter how old or young you are.

Here’s hoping for the future, from a graduated high school student.

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