Holiday Overindulgence

New Years has passed, and I’m sure that you’ve already broken a few resolutions. I can guarantee that one of them was to either lose weight or to watch what you eat. Well done. You and everyone else broke those. Don’t feel so bad.  

How many times has this been a resolution? My stock resolution is to lose the “love handles,” and 10 yrs on (it only took a couple of years to acquire but apparently a life time to recover from), I have made some (minor) headway. During holiday seasons, folks seem to take this as a free pass to gorge on food. Another really common example: Friday brunch (minus the adult beverages). Who shows up with a HUGE appetite?? Do you ever starve yourself the day before, so you can eat like a beast?? Could you EVER possibly be that hungry?  What compels us to engage in these binge eating sessions? Brunch/holidays are just an example, but look around at the entire all you can eats” here. Ever notice that the folks that “live” there really aren’t the ones who need to eat- in fact, quite the opposite.

It surprises me that we know that this is bad for us, and we know why it’s bad, but we go back for more. And more. I guarantee that your excuse is either, “This is the last time”, or “I don’t do this often”, but come on, it’s not true.

I don’t think that any of this as new information. Over eating and binge eating is bad for you. And let’s be honest, this is not the healthiest exercise-happy place on earth.

Well kids, Happy New Year, and may all your resolutions for 2014 come true. Good luck with shedding that gut and shaving off those love handles.

By Dr. DMS

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