Intriguing Abu Dhabi

Unless you call Abu Dhabi home of your forefathers you would have a good reason to live in this amazing city.  I grew up in Abu Dhabi with my family, but it was only when I left it to move to Boston (where I am now) that I realized these things about the capital…

Palace People

While I appreciate the luxurious twenty-first century environment I grew up in, I am an old soul at heart and sometimes dream of medieval castles and baroque palaces. Although the UAE was founded in the 70s and is known for its ultra-modern architecture, the founders really know how to combine culture and infrastructure – by building palaces! Whether it’s the conspicuous opulence of the Emirates Palace hotel, or even the smaller ones that dot the city, palaces are everywhere!

The Luxury of Luxurious Air Travel

This may come as a shock to many city-bred, third culture kids, so you might want to sit down when you read this… But did you know that there are people in this world, people like you and me, who have never been in an airport or on an airplane! Most of us living here are guaranteed to take a flight! Also, the airports are getting fancier and schamncier every few months! And have you ever travelled Etihad/Emirates first class? Google it!

The Wild Side ; )

I love when I’m in the car, driving back from a mall that guarantees the best shopping experience and then I see a goat grazing near someone’s villa. I also love how when I read about the UAE’s increasing GDP, I also read about the rooster that went out for a peaceful walk one morning on Karama street only to be chased by a cheetah! When you read these stories, or see these farm animals wander around the big city, don’t just laugh and brush it off saying “only in the UAE” but enjoy these moments.  

A Matter of Life and Death…

I know many people who were born in Abu Dhabi, but not many who have died here. While I’m sure there are resting places in this country like any other, I have never seen a cemetery in the city. Many cities around the world, including Boston, have old and creepy ‘Scooby Doo’ type cemeteries. Sometimes it’s just a bit depressing to have to come across one every few minutes. Perhaps not seeing cemeteries in plain sight, can influence a person psychologically, making them believe they can live forever?

The Abu Dhabi Advantage

When I’m abroad and I tell someone I’m from Abu Dhabi, the look on his or her face turns from curiosity to wonder. Often times, they think of Abu Dhabi as flashy and exotic, cultural yet cosmopolitan…I call this the Abu Dhabi advantage. So the next time, you’re outside the country and someone asks you where you’re from, don’t just reply ‘far away from here’, ‘the Gulf’, or ‘oh, do you know Dubai?,” boast about the Capital, the ‘Father of the Gazelle’!  I know I will when I go back to uni in September!

By Rhea Oommen

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