Mashrou Leila’s Overnight Project for AFAC


Back in 2006 as the band “Mashrou Leila” was just starting to get together to jam and form their songs, they had little to no idea what the future holds for them. Fast forward to three successful albums later and years of great music from them, they are now doing concerts left and right with their latest being their performance at the End of Year Event for the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC). Tempo had the chance to interview the band on what happened to “An Overnight Project” after they were awarded with the AFAC Music Grant 2013 as well as their future plans.


Tempo: How did you come in touch with performing for the Arab Fund for Art and Culture (AFAC)?

Mashrou Leila: In 2013 we had gained enough credibility as Mashrou Leila. With our work and our vision, we started attracting the attention of several regional music figures and producers. We were presented with a choice to get signed and produced by one but slightly alter several things from our identity and music. This was not at all acceptable for us and instead we chose to fund the production and recording for our Album ‘Raasuk’ independently, and we applied and received a part of the funding from AFAC.



Tempo: The themes of your music and lyrics center on topics which aren’t tackled in mainstream music. What was your motivation to do this?

Mashrou Leila: The content of our music, and our music itself comes from a very personal place and from then, everything has changed tremendously in the past 8 years. We started in a tiny room on campus writing about things that came to mind, having no idea that anyone would ever hear them, let alone appreciate them. And so a lot of what we worry about and tackle with in our daily lives get put in the music – and that includes issues that we would like to see to have some changes in our environment.


Tempo: We’re interested in other venues to hear out your music. Any other future projects you would like to share?

Mashrou Leila: Right now, we are taking a break from touring to work on our new record, which is the most important thing to us as of the moment.


Tempo: You’ve come a long way from your humble beginnings eight years ago but still have a lot of things ahead for your band. What’s your message for the fans who continue to support your music?

Mashrou Leila: We would like to extend a huge and humble thank you message for every person who has taken the time to listen to our music.


Tempo: As a final question: What is your band’s Tempo?

Mashrou Leila: We like to operate in the 95-115 BPM range. Depending on… what the weather feels like.

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