
First of all, if you don’t have a personal Pinterest account, get thee to a computer.  Though the site can sometimes get a bad rap for being a “time suck,” it’s second to none in providing endless amounts of inspiration. Whether you’re feeling crafty, wanting to start a new diet or find fellow Whovians, Pinterest is your one-stop shop. An inherently visual medium, Pinterest is also the perfect place to showcase your products in a fun and creative way.

Pinterest works as a virtual corkboard, where you find something that interests you and “pin” it to your boards for your followers to see who will then repin it to their own personal boards, which their followers will see…and so on. So let’s say you run a hair salon. You can use Pinterest to show your best hairstyles. When you’re “pinning” these images from your website, and a follower clicks on the image, they are brought to your site and your traffic increases.

Though the demographics of Pinterest still trend towards women, the number of men joining the site is increasing daily. Small businesses can harness the power of Pinterest by posting creative, eye-catching images on their websites that include a call to action. These images can then be “pinned” onto their own boards and then have the potential to be shared by millions. Increased traffic to your website = a higher percentage of potential customers and the ability to sell more advertising on your site.

Find some Pinspiration of your own by checking out these businesses who are winning at pinning!


By Leslie Pavlovich

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