…over the years, this ol’ Jurassic has sadly come to understand that ‘common sense’ is not really so common… when human ‘intelligence’ is measured in the ability to tap into a handheld calculator to find out 5 + 3 = 8 (and if somehow, heaven forfend, a mis-type occurs and it mistakenly shows ‘9’, and the tapper accepts that unthinkingly…well, yeez know what I’m driving at)… it spills over into behaviour… that paradigm of how to interact with the rest of humanity… for most of us of a certain age, that means manners, politeness, civility… requesting, not demanding… saying ‘thank you’ at the appropriate times... those of yeez Lads and Lassies of Blog Land who are kind enuff (p’raps brain-addled enuff?) to follow my blog regularly will know that my third crime thriller, Savage Payback, has just been completed and launched on Amazon Kindle… given some of the bally-hoo surrounding the subject of bogus book reviews on Amazon recently, I am keen to do it right, Mabel… I sent out to all-points-of-my-Sosyal-Netwurkin-globe a general invitation for good folks who might feel inclined to do an early review for the new masterpiece… the idea being to have these on the and pages, as well as the Goodreads links if people have those… early reviews are gold dust to an author… the response has been magnificent to date, and I’ve sent the Word.doc copy out to those splendid volunteers already… I’ve sculpted a few ROOLS for myself which are here:

1. …ask the good volunteers to be honest… a ton of gooey-icky ‘this-deserves-ten-stars,-not-five’ ratings don’t wash… the reading public’s not daft…

2. …let the good volunteers know that I understand yeez all have day jobs… yeez are not expected to drop everything to prioritise my review request…

3. …repeatROOL #1…

4. …tell the good volunteers I don’t expect an edit… simply an opinion on whether they like or dislike the book (and ‘why’ would be great)…

5. …underscore to the good volunteers that 1-star, 2-star and 3-star reviews are totally relevant and welcome, and if that’s how they rate it…so be it… don’t be shy in saying so… I’m old enuff and ugly enuff to handle these (sniff, sniff)…

6. …repeatROOL #1 and ROOL #3

7. …gently remind the good volunteers that posting a review onto doesn’t automatically get posted onto and vice versa…they have to be posted separately…


If there are any more good souls out there who would like to volunteer for this unpaid task (I remind yeez, I am Scottish),please contact me on my email,’s the cover page :

By Seumas Gallacher
Follow Seumas on Twitter:


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