Trending on Youtube – October 2015


1. Baby Girl Sees Parents For The First Time

How would you react to seeing for the first time? This little girl puts on a pair of pink glasses and sees her parents for the first time. Warning: her reaction may induce squealing and excessive smiling.

2. Basketball Experiment: The Magnus Effect

Have you ever almost dropped your cell phone over a railing and had a mini heart attack? In this video watch as someone drops a basketball over the edge of Gordon Dam in Australia. Prepare to be amazed!

3. Why 2000 parrots visit his home daily?
A man in India started putting out extra rice and seeds for the birds that visited his house one year. Today over 2000 parrots and birds flock to his house each morning…


Ever met a little girl refuse to be a called a princess? Meet Joanna, a young girl that defiantly tells her dad not to call her a princess. Watch to find out why.

5. 10 Amazing Hidden Messages In Your Favorite Movies
You’ve probably seen these movies but have you ever seen these amazing hidden messages these blockbusters carry? Find the cool facts here.

6. Hilarious Westjet Flight Attendant Safety Demo

If you’ve ever travelled you know that the safety demonstration can get boring after a few times. Watch this flight attendant use his creative and funny talent to convey some important safety demos to passengers and making them crack up.

7. Midfield Terminal Building at Abu Dhabi Airport‬‬

Coming in 2017, the Midfield Terminal Building will increase the traffic at Abu Dhabi Airport to 45 million travellers. Watch this video released by Abu Dhabi Airport to see photos of the progress made on the new airport. A special thank you to the workers that are working hard to make this vision into a reality.

8 .Dubai From The Sky – UAE 2015 ‬

Dubai is a magical city that looks amazing from the ground but wait until you see it from the sky at night! This video gives you a bird’s eye view of Dubai at night in all its glittering glory!

‪9 .Sand Storm in Dubai, UAE‬‬‬

Last month a sand storm hit Dubai. The results weren’t as devastating as they were in other places in the Middle East but this chilling video gives you an idea of the power of wind and sand.

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