While this is a noble cause, I wonder how many people stick to their resolutions. Studies show that it takes at least six weeks for a new behavior to replace the old one. That’s a long time to be inconvenienced!

As for my own New Year plans, I pledge to:

–Eat and drink what I want, when I want.
Food and drink are here for our pleasure. My consumption provides valuable jobs to farmers, ranchers, brewers and restaurant workers. Don’t worry, be happy!

–Lead a sedentary, lazy life. I believe one is born with only so many heartbeats left in their future. Why accelerate my demise by exercising? Pain and sweat are also unpleasant byproducts of vigorous activity.

–Quit worrying about money. If I want that cool new mobile phone or other gadget that will make my life easier, I will buy it no matter how little cash I have in the bank. Isn’t that what credit cards are for?

–Stop stressing about all the clothes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. The clothes are easier to find that way and I might hurt my back by picking them up all the time. Washing dishes causes unsightly wrinkles on my hands. Why bother?

–Drive like a maniac. I am only cheating myself by being safe and courteous, no more letting that guy merge in front of me. As for using my turn indicators, forget it, that only makes the light bulbs burn out sooner. Speed limits are not for me anymore, I am going to drive like my hair is on fire as my reason is   more important than my fellow motorists’ reasons for being on the road!

I believe that these resolutions will be real easy to keep. I like to win and hate to lose so I think I have made a solid plan for 2011 that will have a very high likelihood for success! Feel free to adopt my plan and modify the resolutions to fit your own lifestyle. You will be glad you did!

All joking aside, I believe if most folks take this beginning of 2011 to make positive changes in their lives the world would be a better place. Happy, healthy people tend to inspire those around them. I am the first to admit I am one who needs a big dose of this inspiration, but I am trying to do better!

Here’s wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2011!


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