How to Find Joy in the Simple Things in Life

The Scandinavian concept of hygge (pronounced hoogha) is the pursuit, enjoyment and happy savouring of simple pleasures.

I am desperately trying to master hygge! Every day may not be good, but there is certainly some good in every day. Remember when you were a kid and you played outside with your friends? When I was growing up we played American football in the front yard of our house and many neighbour kids would gather to play with us. The pure joy of running, laughing and throwing the ball still brings me happy memories. Today, walking along the beach or up the street makes me happy, as does enjoying the city sounds, fresh air and the myriad people who pass by.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in the way you think, in your perspective, and in your actions. If you spin almost any situation, you can find enjoyment in it. For me, food shopping spins into fun when I discover new foods.

A great reason to be happy is that it takes more muscles to frown than smile. Smiling increases your happy hormones (Dopamine), your likelihood of getting a smile from someone else, and it also tells the Universe of your intent. I love to smile at bus and taxi drivers, coffee house baristas, grocery store cashiers and all doormen. They usually welcome being on the receiving end of smiles, and happily smile back. Smiles are transferable…so spread them!

To create a truly magical experience, fix your attention on your desired outcome of being happy. Create daily reminders and condition them into your subconscious mind. The secret to happiness is the ability to focus your attention on the things you want, and off the things you do not want. The Universe only understands positivity. Stay focused and positive and watch the Universe conspire to realize your happiness. Actor Jim Carrey said, “As far as I can tell, it’s about letting the Universe know what you want and then working toward it, while letting go of how it comes to pass.” If you dwell on the unfortunate things, you’ll miss the good things. “Be in love with your life…every minute of it,” said American novelist, poet and artist Jack Kerouac.

My cyber-mentor Shawn Achor says, “Happiness is a choice even when life is difficult… and optimism is a daily spiritual practice.” Speaking at a lecture on scientific happiness research, he added: “Happiness is the joy you feel moving toward your potential.” I agree with him: Invest in joy! Choose happiness.

Here’s an exercise: Think of three things you’re grateful for and write them down. Do this for twenty-one days (habits are created in twenty-one days) and observe your overall gratitude. Another task: sincerely tell your friends and family how happy you are that they are in your life and how much they matter. Sending letters, cards, emails are also great ways to share your appreciation and acknowledgment. If you share and spread joy, smiles and happiness, the ripple effect will be felt around your community.

Joy is defined as “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.” Isn’t that reason enough to be joyful, happy and smile? Find joy in your work, relationships, and environment. Find passion in what you do and do what you love and believe in. I enjoy writing these monthly articles; and I prepare for months before I submit them. I do it out of joy, passion and belief. That makes me happy.

Be happy. Be joyful. Our world needs it.

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