I kind of enjoy Christmas in Abu Dhabi. Back home the commercial interests start late in October and are relentless in cajoling folks to start purchasing gifts for the “Big Day. “ The malls and traffic get progressively more congested as time gets closer to December 25th. As a guy, I usually wait to the last week to do my shopping and the malls resemble the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Tension is high and tempers flare during these last minute retail outings…Not my idea of fun.

In Abu Dhabi things are so much more subdued and the holiday pressure is off. It gives one time to reflect on the “reason for the season”. Sure I miss my friends, family and the parties. Sitting in front of a roaring fireplace, the house decorated with twinkly lights and the smell of a freshly cut fir tree standing in the corner of the room can’t be beat. Exchanging gifts with loved ones (especially the children) is always fun! It’s the commercialism that bothers me back home and I don’t have to experience that here if I don’t choose to.

I will have to admit the perfect weather in December here is not real conducive to a strong “Holiday Spirit” for me. I have always associated Christmastime with cold and nasty weather. Not many fireplaces here or fir trees for that matter. Although the malls in Abu Dhabi try, I miss the outside street decorations and the lights in front of businesses and residences.

This will mark my third season away and while there are a lot of things I miss, I still remember to count my blessings and make the best out of things. New Year’s Eve is another story! I call it “Amateur Night” and try to stay off the road as some drivers who may not have imbibed all year don’t know their limits. It may be better here but I don’t take chances. Anyone know of a good fireworks show?


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